Ginsberg & O'Connor, P.C.

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Ginsberg & O'Connor, P.C.

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Injured In A Transit Bus Accident?

Lawyers For Personal Injury Claims Against NJ Transit

If you were injured while riding a public transit bus — or if you were hit by a bus while driving or walking — you may be entitled to compensation.

However, these are tricky claims. The procedures are different when suing a government entity like New Jersey Transit. The attorneys of Ginsberg & O'Connor can guide you through the legal process to advocate for the compensation you deserve.

Take action today to protect your claim

In a free consultation, we can explore your possible personal injury lawsuit. Call our Mount Laurel law office today at 856-437-0969.

Injuries Involving Public Transportation (NJ Transit Bus)

We have represented people of Burlington County, Camden County, Atlantic County and Middlesex County who have been injured in accidents involving public buses, including:

  • Bus passengers injured while riding an NJ Transit bus (falls, collisions)
  • Bus stop injuries (boarding/deboarding, struck by bus)
  • Pedestrians and bicyclists hit by a transit bus
  • Drivers/passengers whose car was hit by a bus

You Only Have 90 Days To File A Bus Accident Claim

If you are injured in a mass transit incident, you will have to bring an action against the New Jersey Transit Corporation. Because it is a state-owned entity, you must file a notice of claim with NJ Transit within 90 days of the accident.

Once your right to sue is preserved, our attorneys can work up your actual lawsuit for damages. We work with you to detail your injuries and losses: medical bills, lost wages, permanent disability or disfigurement, and your pain and suffering.

Our personal injury trial lawyers know how to prepare and present your claim for the best chance of success. We provide a free consultation and contingency fee representation. Contact us online, or call us toll free at 856-437-0969.
