Crashes between passenger vehicles and semi-trucks can have devastating consequences. Smaller vehicles can sustain massive damage during collisions with commercial vehicles that are several times larger than they are. The people inside may be vulnerable to severe...
Truck Accidents
Why semi-truck blind spots can cause major crashes
Semi-trucks inspire a number of unique safety concerns on the road. They require more space at intersections because they perform wide turns. They can throw snow or sheets of ice onto other vehicles if drivers don't clear off the trailers during the winter months....
3 kinds of crashes that commonly involve semi-trucks
Semi-truck collisions tend to be distinct in ways that set them apart from “average” car crashes. Wrecks involving commercial vehicles tend to be far more severe overall than collisions involving passenger vehicles. Additionally, the unique structure of semi-trucks...
The most dangerous times to be on the road
Most drivers are sometimes on the road during the most dangerous driving times and do not know it. While it is impossible to avoid all accidents, being aware of the most dangerous times to drive can help people plan ahead and avoid unnecessary risks. Driving at night...
Common causes of semitruck crashes besides a trucker’s actions
The size, weight and design of semitrucks create unique challenges when it comes to safety on the road. The complexity of operating such a large vehicle means numerous factors can contribute to accidents involving semitrucks. Understanding these causes is vital for...
Settling truck accident claims
The aftermath of a truck accident in New Jersey may follow many similar steps to what happens after a car crash: the victims will file an insurance claim. However, truck accident claims might be more complicated to settle. Truck accident complexities A truck collision...
Proper Cranking Techniques Can Prevent Truck Driver Injuries
Many New Jersey truck drivers suffer from shoulder injuries caused by manually lowering and elevating their rigs. Has your trucking company educated you on proper cranking techniques to reduce the chance of this repetitive injury? Study shows positioning can help...
Common causes of truck accidents in New Jersey
New Jersey transportation companies make money based on the number of deliveries they complete and the timely fashion in which this is accomplished. The problem is that the rush to deliver can also often result in truck accidents. Here are a few elements of truck...
Suing over a driver’s negligence
If you have been in a car accident in New Jersey, the police report may find that the other motorist was driving recklessly. It may be possible to sue the other driver to recover some of your losses both in terms of medical bills and lost wages. Types of reckless...
Common causes of truck accidents
If you are involved in a truck accident while on a New Jersey road or highway, you could experience significant injuries. You may also incur significant vehicle repair bills or other losses. Let's take a closer look at some of the causes of commercial truck accidents...