Individuals who follow the news may be aware that over the last several years, the brains of many former deceased National Football League players have been tested for a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Also known as CTE, this condition is caused by...
Month: September 2019
Commercial drivers need to prepare for these fall events
Summer may have the highest motor vehicle accident rate of the year, but fall can still be a chaotic season for commercial drivers. High school and college students are going back to school, and the colder weather and decreasing sunlight is making more residents spend...
Ways to prevent drowsy driving in teens during the school year
Health specialists often emphasize how important it is for a teenager to get enough sleep at night because it’s been getting progressively more difficult to do so lately. Not only do laptops and phones give them plenty of distractions to keep them up right...
Construction workers face many dangers on the job
According to the federal Department of Labor, around 6 million people are employed in the construction industry. This population makes up about 4% of all workers across the nation, but surprisingly, construction workers suffer a disproportionate number of on-the-job...
What are critical bus safety tips for your child?
With the school year well under way, the school bus makes its presence on roadways known. You might rely on bus services to bring your child to and from school. This arrangement conveniences you and allows you to arrive on time to work, but school buses are not...
Distracted driving is a huge problem in New Jersey
Distracted driving is deadly. That's a fact. Based on figures reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from 2017, distracted driving was responsible for 3,166 fatalities nationwide. In many cases, distracted driving is only slightly less...