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What is a traumatic brain injury?

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2019 | Brain Injury

Individuals who follow the news may be aware that over the last several years, the brains of many former deceased National Football League players have been tested for a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Also known as CTE, this condition is caused by repeated head trauma and may result in serious health problems for sufferers before their deaths. Because of the nature of their work, football players are exposed to repeated head trauma, and despite the use of helmets in sanctioned NFL games, many still develop the sometimes deadly and often devastating condition.

CTE is a disease caused by a traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury may be caused by an impact injury, such as one that occurs when two football players slam into each other or a victim hits their head during a car accident. It may also be caused by a penetration injury, such as when a foreign object pierces the skull and presses into the brain.

When a traumatic brain injury happens, a victim may experience a range of symptoms, some of which are transient and some of which may last for the rest of their life. Many victims of traumatic brain injuries experience pain and disorientation following their incidents, while others experience nausea, coordination issues, mood swings, loss of focus, coma and even death.

Traumatic brain injuries can be devastating and can be costly injuries to treat and recover from. When victims of personal injury accidents suffer them, traumatic brain injuries can form the bases of claims for damages in civil lawsuits. Readers who wish to pursue more information on the topic of brain injuries can consult with their doctors and attorneys, as this post offers no legal or medical advice. It is important to understand one’s situation and what rights they might have moving forward.
