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What are the most common motorcycle injuries?

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2020 | Motorcycle Accidents

There is a thrill associated with riding motorcycles. It’s exciting to feel the wind as you zip down the streets and enjoy the call of the open road.

While riding motorcycles can be a fun experience, it can be dangerous, too. On roads packed with cars and trucks, accidents can happen. This is especially true when motorists don’t look for or share the roads responsibly with motorcyclists. In those instances, the motorcyclist usually comes out worse.

Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in motor vehicle accidents and five times more likely to be injured according to reports by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The most common injuries sustained from these kinds of accidents include:

  • Head injuries – This includes concussions, traumatic brain injuries, cuts and bruises. You can still suffer from severe head trauma even if you wear a helmet.
  • Broken bones – A powerful collision can throw you off your bike, causing you to crash onto a hard surface that breaks your bones. Broken legs are very common when it comes to motorcycle accidents.
  • Road rash – Sliding across the rough pavement after falling off your bike can result in harsh scrapes and bruises as well as severe muscle and nerve damage.
  • Facial injuries – Helmets don’t always protect your whole face. Exposed jaws and other areas are open to cuts and bruises.

If you’re a motorcyclist, it’s critical to take preventive measures to stay safe on the road. A few tips to consider include:

  • Always wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of death by 37% and the risk of head injury by 69%.
  • Wear thick clothing that can’t easily rip or tear.
  • Protect your body with gear such as knee pads, leather gloves, or body armor.
  • Obey traffic laws and give signals to drivers when switching lanes or making turns.
  • Be aware of your surroundings by checking your mirrors and looking both ways at intersections.
  • Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Being responsible on the road can ensure your safety and still have fun while you ride. These precautions can be crucial in avoiding an accident; they can also keep riders safer when someone crashes into them.

