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How does OSHA regulate scaffolds at construction sites?

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2019 | Construction Worker Accidents

Scaffolds are a common sight on many major construction projects in Burlington County. In fact, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 65 percent of construction workers often perform their job duties on scaffolds at great heights. So, it may not be surprising that scaffolding plays a role in many construction worker accidents. A fall from a scaffold can cause serious injuries. Therefore, OSHA has implemented regulations regarding scaffold safety.

Per OSHA requirements, scaffolds and their parts are required to be able to support their own weight as well as four times the weight of the maximum load they are intended to hold. In addition, suspension ropes must be able to support a minimum of six times the maximum load they are intended to hold.

And, a competent person must perform an inspection on the scaffold and its parts, including fall protection equipment, with an eye out for visible defects, prior to each work shift. A competent person must also supervise the building, movement, dismantlement or alteration of scaffolds being used at the worksite. If there is visible damage to a scaffold or a scaffold part, it should not be used.

A scaffold that does not meet OSHA requirements can be a real danger to those who must work on it. Unfortunately, scaffolding accidents are not unusual. Workers on scaffolds can fall, or the scaffold itself could collapse. All of this can lead to serious injuries. Construction workers injured in scaffolding falls will want to make sure they understand their legal options for compensation for the damages they suffered.

