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Accident near tunnel sends seven people to the hospital

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2013 | Car Accidents

Recently, a two-car accident near the Holland Tunnel in Jersey City, New Jersey, sent seven people to the hospital with injuries. The car accident occurred when a Lexus SUV collided with a Honda Sedan, injuring seven people. All seven were in stable condition with non-life threatening injuries. The incident is still under police investigation.

Head-on collisions such as the one in this case are a major threat to motorists, and a major cause of property damage to automobiles. Whether they are caused by intoxicated or distracted drivers, these types of accident can inflict thousands of dollars in damage to the automobile, and cause injury or death to both drivers and passengers. While it is not clear what caused the accident in this particular case, it is clear that seven people were injured and hospitalized, a serious consequence of one bad decision by at least one driver, if not both drivers.

This case emphasizes the importance of safe driving. Such accidents typically occur when the driver is either intoxicated or distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone. In order to combat the occurrence of such accidents, law enforcement officials should continue to crack down on drunk driving, and there should be a serious effort to educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving.

Anyone injured in an auto accident is entitled to adequate financial compensation for their injuries. They may be able to recover compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and any temporary or permanent disability that they have suffered. Anyone injured in a car accident has the ability under the law to attempt to hold those who acted negligently accountable for the damages sustained in an accident.

Source: The Jersey Journal, “Seven injured in two-car accident near Holland Tunnel,” Anthony J. Machcinski, July 10, 2013

