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How do rear-end collisions happen?

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2024 | Car Accidents

There are numerous different types of car accidents. Millions of people in the U.S. are injured every year, and some are even killed.

Any type of car accident can be serious — particularly high-speed crashes. However, one especially dangerous type of crash is a rear-end collision. As the driver and occupants in the car in front typically don’t see the crash coming, they have no chance to brace for impact. This means an increased likelihood of severe injuries. Let’s look at two of the most common causes of rear-end collisions?

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is a serious issue, and it comes in numerous forms. Notable distractions include cellphones, GPS, other occupants, pets and eating and drinking. When a driver is distracted, their focus is not on where it needs to be — the road in front of them.

A distracted driver can very easily run into another vehicle. Sometimes, the other vehicle might even be stationery.


Tailgating occurs when drivers do not follow the recommended safe following distance, which is three seconds. Ideally, all drivers should be at least three seconds behind the vehicle in front of them.

When a driver is frustrated or in a hurry, they are more likely to tailgate. This gives the perception that they will reach their destination more quickly, even though data show that this isn’t the case. When a driver is tailgating, they simply do not have enough time to brake and avoid a collision should traffic suddenly come to a stop.

If you have been involved in a rear-end collision, then it’s highly likely that the driver who hit you was negligent. Seeking legal guidance can help you to establish this and obtain fair compensation for your injuries.

