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How a traumatic brain injury changes your life forever

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2021 | Brain Injury

There are many ways that a brain injury can occur – a car crash, a work accident, a violent assault and much more. Brain injuries also vary greatly in severity, from temporary concussions to permanent disabilities that can easily result in an early death.

The unpredictability of brain injuries

Due to the complexity of the human brain, it is nearly impossible for doctors to predict exactly what effects the victim will suffer. However, there are several symptoms that appear commonly in traumatic brain injury victims.

If you or someone you know has suffered a traumatic brain injury from an accident or from someone else’s negligence, here are some of the warning signs to look out for.

Common effects of traumatic brain injury

Certain types of brain injuries can have a long-term negative effect on your senses, such as lost or diminished sight or perpetual ringing in the ears. It can also sometimes become more difficult for you to remember, reason and learn as well as you did before your accident. Brain injuries can also trigger seizures that can accompany you for the rest of your life.

In some instances, traumatic brain injures can increase your chances of developing neurodegenerative conditions later in life, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. They can also increase your chances of viral infections, pneumonia, and other maladies that you ordinarily would be able to fight off more easily.

A victim of a traumatic brain injury caused by the negligence of another doesn’t have to confront the effects of their condition alone. They have the option of bringing a lawsuit against the negligent party to recover compensation that can help them to cover medical expenses related to their injury.

