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New Jersey Car Crashes – By The Numbers

On Behalf of | May 11, 2018 | Car Accidents

The New Jersey Department of Transportation closely tracks motor vehicle accidents to identify trends and trouble spots. With more than a quarter-million collisions each year, the agency has a lot of data to work with.

For instance, the DOT can pinpoint which highways in Burlington County – and which intersections or sections of highway — are the most accident-prone to determine if any changes can make those roadways safer.

Injuries have declined, but driving is still risky business

According to NJDOT, the total number of crashes in 2016 was virtually the same as 2001. The difference is those crashes are less likely to result in injury or death. This is probably a reflection of safety enhancements, such as side airbags and crumple zones.

There were 273,473 total crashes in New Jersey in 2016. That averages out to about 750 auto accidents each day across the state.

  • The vast majority of those collisions (77 percent) were property damage only.
  • Another 23 percent were injury crashes – over 62,000 people injured
  • While less than 1 percent are fatal crashes, that’s still 570 lives lost and families shattered.

On average, about 175 people are injured or killed every day in New Jersey motor vehicle accidents.

We are losing our hard-won gains in auto safety

The good news is that fatalities are down 18 percent from 2001, and injuries are down 23 percent. But after a decade of decline, we are trending in the wrong direction. Since 2012, total accidents and fatalities have climbed each year. This is a reflection of more motorists driving more miles, as well as the ongoing problem of distracted drivers.  Since NJDOT began keeping track in 2002, the number of car accidents attributed to cellphone usage (hand-held or hands-free) has quadrupled.

Some noteworthy findings

  • Most common traffic accident (statewide): rear-end collision (32 percent)
  • Most common accident on municipal roads:  hitting parked car (27 percent)

What are the most dangerous highways in Burlington County?

According to the DOT statistics for 2016, U.S. Highway 130 is the worst artery in Burlington County, with 350 accidents resulting in injury or fatality. That highway had 59 accidents just in the stretch between mile markers 27 and 28.

Other dangerous state and interstate highways in the county include Route 73 (177), I-295/New Jersey Turnpike (176), Route 38 (169), Route 70 (126) and U.S. Highway 206 (119).

What do you think is the worst road in Burlington County for traffic safety?


