Ginsberg & O'Connor, P.C.

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Ginsberg & O'Connor, P.C.

Let Us Join You On The Path To Recovery

Recovering from a car accident in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2015 | Car Accidents

Now that we’ve presented some facts about car accidents, New Jersey residents will likely agree that car crashes are costly in many ways. There’s no doubt that damaged vehicles cause inconvenience and expenses one would rather avoid. But a real concern after a serious car wreck is the physical harm a victim experiences. Sometimes, it’s no less difficult to deal with the emotions that come along with injury recovery.

So what can be done to help in these situations? Making a connection to an experienced advocate who can protect victims’ rights, handle the myriad issues relating to insurance claims and provide constant and reassuring support is an excellent suggestion. A family involved in any type of accident with injuries must assume the burden of proper medical treatment and arranging for day-to-day necessities. Most will be able to do this more effectively and with less stress if they know the financial and legal burdens are under an advocate’s care.

Our law firm stands ready to assume this responsibility and serve as this type of go-between. We are able to start building a case from day one by utilizing accident reconstruction and investigation evidence through proper review and documentation of the facts. We’ll look at how the accident happened, the injuries suffered and make accurate estimates of long-term recovery costs for treatment, rehabilitation and wage losses.

Once this assessment is made, dealing with recalcitrant insurance companies from a knowledgeable position can be more successful in protecting a family’s interests. The insurance company’s goal in any accident situation is to minimize payouts to the victim. Claim negotiations based on a clearly understood set of circumstances are likely to result in an acceptable outcome.

Every accident case isn’t absolute. We can recognize its strengths and weaknesses and apply proven strategies to resolving each claim. If settlement is elusive, it will be equally as important to proceed with confidence to trial. Our law firm is prepared to handle whichever scenario presents itself.

