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Car accidents, recovery and compensation in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2015 | Car Accidents

Car and other motor vehicle wrecks happen at any time of year. But in the winter, folks are particularly susceptible to them with snowy roads, black ice, poorer visibility and other factors relating to the cold weather. The New Jersey Department of Transportation records show that there were 12,626 crashes in Burlington County in 2013. That’s a lot of accidents. Across the state for that year, 4,267 collisions are attributable to snowy or icy road conditions.

Should this happen one wintry day, family members may find themselves up against an overwhelming number of decisions and financial obligations. Many won’t wait for them to recover physically or emotionally. As we note on our car accident practice page, our law firm has been helping folks sort out these issues for decades.

Injuries require immediate medical care, of course. Once that step is taken, an in-depth investigation of the circumstances surrounding the accident can begin. While most people have a cursory understanding that medical bills and lost wages may become part of a claim, it can be the minutia of accident reconstruction, the police report, witness statements and other evidence that makes a difference in valuing a claim and seeking compensation from at-fault parties. It takes experience and skill to gain and evaluate this information. Then the appropriate legal options can be applied to the case.

It isn’t only about physical recovery for victims of roadway accidents. Many times, especially when a loved one is lost because of the crash, seeking compensation through the courts provides the emotional boost of holding someone accountable. Pain and suffering are very real, and putting a monetary value on it is one way to do this. When injuries are catastrophic in nature, providing for long-term medical care and living accommodations must be factored into the claim. Insurance companies may try to avoid large payouts by quickly offering to settle for minimal dollars. Lacking adept evaluation, this might leave agreeable families without the financial security necessary to survive long-term.

Personal injury claims surface not only from winter accidents, but from a broad range of hazards and incidences. Whatever the case may be, an attentive and focused advocate can help.

Source: New Jersey Department of Transportation, “Crash Records” accessed Feb. 04, 2015

