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New Jersey Township cracks down on alcohol-related accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2013 | Drunk Driving Accidents

As the holidays near, New Jersey residents are expected to take part in a number of celebrations. And these parties often involve the cheerful consumption of alcohol. However, the East Brunswick Police is advising residents to refrain from drinking if they have any plans to get behind the wheel.

The East Brunswick Township’s Police Department is participating in the statewide campaign “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The sobriety campaign will increase sobriety checkpoints and will also raise awareness of the hazards of drunk driving. The Acting Director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety stated law enforcement officials always see a spike in alcohol-related accidents during the holiday season. In response, authorities will specifically seek out and arrest drunk and impaired drivers.

In New Jersey, alcohol-related accidents make up approximately 19 percent of motor vehicle fatalities. In the month of December, from 2007 to 2011, there were 4,169 deaths nationwide due to drunk driving crashes. Statewide, 158 fatalities caused by impaired drivers occurred last year alone. This accounted for 27 percent of the 589 total crash fatalities. In 2012, the campaign resulted in the arrest of more than 1,500 motorists for driving under the influence. It was also instrumental in the apprehension of 1,600 fugitives.

Though checkpoints help get drunk drivers off the road, they do nothing for New Jersey residents who have already been harmed by these negligent drivers. These victims can be devastated by physical injuries, crippled by emotional pain, and destroyed by unexpected financial consequences related to the accident.

Yet, if a driver gets behind the wheel and causes injuries to another person, as happens from time to time, the negligent driver may be held legally liable. Victims of accidents involving drunk driving may be entitled to compensation and should seek legal advice in an effort to recover their damages.

Source: East Brunswick Patch, “East Brunswick in Annual Crackdown on Holiday Drunk Driving,” Davy James, December 15, 2013

