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Two NJ workers injured in tree trimming accident

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2013 | Workers' Compensation

Everyday throughout New Jersey, workers risk their own well-being to carry out their job requirements. Construction workers often find themselves at close proximity to moving vehicles, extreme heights, and heavy machinery. Safety precautions and regulations are often put in place to protect these workers, but sometimes lapses in maintaining a safe work environment lead to serious injuries. When this happens, an injured worker rightly expects to be taken care of, but he may need a lawyer to obtain the compensation he is entitled to receive.

This situation may arise out of a recent accident in New Jersey involving two tree service workers. The two men were trimming trees when one of them accidentally made contact with a power line. The worker was shocked and fell from the ladder on which he was standing. The second man rushed to catch the falling worker, but suffered leg injuries as a result. The worker who fell suffered burns from the electrocution and trauma injuries from landing on the ground. Both employees were rushed to the hospital, but it is unknown at this time what condition they are in.

Workers’ compensation, when obtained, should help an injured worker cover his medical bills and recover his lost wages, thus aiding him in reaching a full recovery and getting back to work. However, in order for a workers’ compensation claim to succeed, several elements must be proven. Amongst these are the accident arose out of the injured worker’s course of employment, the actual or lawfully imputed negligence of the employer is the cause of the accident, and the employee was not willfully negligent at the time the injury was suffered. These are some pretty complex legal terms that leave room for argument and, sometimes, a denial of a claim.

When a denial occurs, an individual who has suffered a workplace injury should seek help to fight the denial. An attorney skilled in legal argument and experienced in workers’ compensation cases can help break the law down, apply it to the injured worker’s case, and assess the likelihood of a challenge’s success. If the defendant decides to move forward with a challenge, then the attorney will do everything in his or her power to satisfy the elements listed above. Also, the attorney will seek to establish the far reaching extent of the worker’s injury, thus maximizing his potential recovery.

Injured workers have a hard, long road to recovery. They deserve a helping hand along the way so they can get back to their normal life. An attorney can help attempt to make this a reality by being a strong voice for an injured worker.

Source: The Trentonian, “2 tree service workers injured in NJ accident,” Nov. 3, 2013

