Recently, the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving held an awards ceremony in Edison, New Jersey, where they honored police officers for their role in curbing incidents of drunk driving. The group gave certificates and pins to the police officers it felt did the most to stop alcohol-related accidents. Speakers at the event discussed family members lost to drunk-driving accidents and honored the officers for their efforts. MADD is also working to lower the legal blood-alcohol content limit from .08 to .05, a change recently advocated by the National Transportation Safety Board. The group also favors technology to prevent drivers from starting their cars if alcohol is detected on their breath.
Drunk driving is a problem that can have profound consequences for all involved, something that was highlighted by the speakers at the event, many of whom had lost family members to drunk driving. For the victim, there is the loss of a loved one or a family member, and all the resulting property damage and medical bills from the accident. For the defendant, there is the cost of living with the accident for the rest of their life, and the resulting legal and financial consequences.
The proposed lowering of the BAC limit would probably lead to more DUI arrests, and would likely help curb the occurrence of drunk driving. There is also the proposed use of technology to prevent drunk drivers from starting their cars at all. Both of these may help to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the road and lessen the number of deaths related to drunk driving.
Anyone injured by in a drunk- driving accident is entitled to an adequate financial compensation. The victim is entitled to recover damages for lost wages, medical bills, the pain and suffering incurred and any temporary or permanent disability caused by the accident. They may also obtain a personal injury judgment for negligence against the defendant.
Source:, “Mothers Against Drunk Driving awards top N.J. cops for busting drunk drivers,” Brian Amaral, June 7, 2013